Checklist of birds of India
This is the comprehensive checklist of birds of India, with its own taxonomy. The current version of the checklist contains 1368 species.
Please cite this online checklist as:
Praveen J., & Jayapal, R., 2024. Checklist of the birds of India (v8.2). Website: (Date of publication: 20 August 2024)
A tibble with 1,368 observations
and 25 variables. Please see original .xlsx
(Source below) for descriptions of each variable.
See also
The script to update the latest version of the checklist in skimmr
#> # A tibble: 1,368 × 25
#> Order Family Species `English Name` `Scientific Name` Authority
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Anseriformes Anatidae Fulvous Whi… Fulvous Whist… Dendrocygna bico… (Vieillo…
#> 2 Anseriformes Anatidae Lesser Whis… Lesser Whistl… Dendrocygna java… (Horsfie…
#> 3 Anseriformes Anatidae Bar-headed … Bar-headed Go… Anser indicus (Latham,…
#> 4 Anseriformes Anatidae Greylag Goo… Greylag Goose Anser anser (Linnaeu…
#> 5 Anseriformes Anatidae Greater Whi… Greater White… Anser albifrons (Scopoli…
#> 6 Anseriformes Anatidae Lesser Whit… Lesser White-… Anser erythropus (Linnaeu…
#> 7 Anseriformes Anatidae Taiga Bean-… Taiga Bean-Go… Anser fabalis (Latham,…
#> 8 Anseriformes Anatidae Tundra Bean… Tundra Bean-G… Anser serrirostr… Gould, 1…
#> 9 Anseriformes Anatidae Barnacle Go… Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis (Bechste…
#> 10 Anseriformes Anatidae Red-breaste… Red-breasted … Branta ruficollis (Pallas,…
#> # ℹ 1,358 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: `Alternative Name(s)` <chr>, Rarity <chr>,
#> # Historical <chr>, `IUCN RedList_2023` <chr>, `WPA Schedule` <chr>,
#> # `SOIB 2023` <chr>, `CITES Appendix` <chr>, `CMS Appendix` <chr>,
#> # `Endemic (India)` <chr>, `Endemic (Andaman & Nicobar Is)` <chr>,
#> # `Endemic (Assam Plains)` <chr>, `Endemic (Cental Indian Forests)` <chr>,
#> # `Endemic (Southern Andhra Pradesh)` <chr>, …